5/9/2011 5:20:46 AM

- STEERING OF ROAMING The solution controls the registration of outbound roamers on the operator’s preferred network abroad. - INBOUND ROAMING MANAGEMENT Helps to retain inbound roamers by providing additional services and detecting unwanted detach, caused by a network coverage problem for example. - BORDER GATEWAY CONTROLLER Keeps operator customers within the network at national boarders even at low signal or low operator coverage - WELCOME TO ROAMERS & BON VOYAGE Upon detection of roamers, an information message will be sent - INTELLIGENT CALL CORRECTION (NUMBER CORRECTION FOR INBOUND ROAMERS) Automatically corrects missing area codes of inbound roamers when dialing numbers. - REVERSE CALL CHARGING Lets operators increase ARPU by providing the service for reverse charging of calls which will be charged at premium rate to the account of the services you are calling